Thursday, June 11, 2015

June St. Croix Day 7 & 8

Yesterday everyone woke up later than normal and began the day off with arts and crafts. First everyone finished up their calabash jewelry/pottery making. Then we made sea glass and seed necklaces. Once we were drenched in sweat we made our way to Cane Bay to cool off. After everyone make it back to DG Ty showed us how to make wooden rings out of red mangrove trees. We were eagerly waiting to see the end results of our rings. Then we headed to the bio bay to see the glowing bioluminescents. Before we paddled out on our kayaks we had some delicious pizza. When we made it to the bio bay we were able to jump in and see the jelly fish and dinoflagellates. Everyone splashed around for a while and when we got tired we went back to DG. -Kai and MaryGrace

Today we awoke at 7:30 to the sound of birds chirping. We quickly finished breakfast and hopped into the van for a hike and snorkel trip. We hiked a mile at East End Marine Park and learned about the dry arid ecosystem. After the hike we reached the beach. While snorkeling at Issacs Bay we were able to
discover the different reefs... algae building reefs but mainly patch reefs. Next we traveled a whopping 500 ft. to the eastern most point of the United States called, Udall. We ate our lunch at Cramer's park then later made our way to the town named Christiansted. This is where we spent our afternoon shopping and feeding tarpons. Then we drove over to the boys and girls club and played nonstop in the heat.  When we arrived back at discoverygrove we had dinner. Finally we circled up and went to bed. 
 - Konrad and Ethan 

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