Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 4 in St Croix

Day 4 on the island: This morning we woke up to another beautiful day in St Croix. It was day four, and we were ready for the day. After a delicious breakfast we planted a Chia and Breadfruit tree as our legacy. The purpose of planting the young trees is to help DG in its efforts to be incresingly sustainable. Ty shared with us that within a few years DG would like to be self-sustaining so that they are no longer reliant on store runs. After we finished digging and planting Veronica Gordon, a seventh generation Bush doctor, led us around DG and through the woods teaching us all about the different indigenous plants and their practical uses, from cooking to healing. One of the plants that we learned about was the Aloe bush. Aloe can be used for many things such as healing cuts, scrapes, and burns.  We also were introduced to the love leaf, a plant that you are supposed to write your significNt other's name on, put it in a book, and if it is still growing after a year and not dead then the couple is meant to be. After lunch most of us did arts and crafts. We made mugs, rings, and necklaces. The rest of us played games and swam in the pool. A little while later we went to the boys and girls club. The boys and girls club is a non- profit organization that provides a place for kids to go after school. When we first got there only a few kids were there. We played volleyball, basketball, and four square. Once the other kids started to arrive, we had something they called assembly. Our whole group got to go on stage and introduce ourselfs to the kids. After the introduction we split up to go help kids with their homework. For the rest of our time there, we hung out with the kids and played games. Today was really fun but it's time to head to circle up, our favorite time of the day, and reflect. Scuba diving tomorrow!
- Elena and Alex 

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