Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nexus China Update

We're at the Yak Hotel in Lhasa today. Visited the Johkang Temple and witnessed the prostrating pilgrims. Students beside themselves with the whole experience so far. Beijing was smoggy but interesting. Toured the Great Wall for a day, then the Forbidden City, Tianamen Square and the Temple of Heaven which was a circus of Chinese enjoying themselves in a multitude of ways including kung fu, Tai Chi, singing, dancing and more. Now we're in Lhasa and the students love it. Shopping here is driving them crazy! I've got great video so far and I know they have tons of pics. In a few minutes we're off to a Tibetan Medicinal hospital then tomorrow for our community service at the orphanage. So far everyone is handling the altitude very well and I suspect Diamox has a lot to do with it. We are presently at 11, 684 feet! Please check the interactive map to see exactly where we are. This is the first internet access we've had and we'll be here for two more days, then the trek where you won't hear from us for another 4. I suspect the students will find this little internet cafe and email facebook, friends and parents. All is well here.

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