Sunday, October 27, 2013
Lay-Tah, Boss! Lay-Tah, Mama!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
(Almost) Miami Bound
The learning never ends! As we checked in at the STX airport, students witnessed first-hand the power of positivity and kindness. Thanks to Ms. B at the American Airlines counter & Mr. L. at the Customs line, we are now happily waiting for our outbound flight to Miami! Ty, Travis, Heather & Elliot - thank you for a wonderful time at Discovery Grove. Give Disco, Gabby & Orion big hugs, too!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Savoring the Sights on Our Last Day
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Bioluminescent Bay Update
We arrived safely back at DG following our campfire dinner and nighttime kayak in Salt River Bay. The darkness of night hinders our ability to capture in images what we saw and experienced this evening; and the magic of the bioluminescent bay is simply too incredible to capture in words. Millions of tiny single-celled organisms, called Dinoflagellates, illuminated as we paddled and swam in the darkness of the night through the Bay. It was truly...magical. Thanks to Elliot, Travis & Ty, for another amazing time together!
Bioluminescent Bay
Its a beautiful evening at Salt River Bay! We are enjoying a dinner by the campfire and a nighttime kayak excursion to locate, identify and learn about the bioluminescent organisms that thrive here.
Days 7 & 8: Community - Caribbean Style
We had another amazing evening on St.Croix. First on our list was heading to the St. Croix Boys & Girls Club in Christiansted. As we made our way there, the group expressed what we believed we would see when we arrived. While there were many interesting predictions, none would capture the energy and warmth we were greeted with. We were welcomed with a blessing and smiles, and then we divided into age/grade group rooms to help the youngsters with their homework. Counting and math, vocabulary and story writing - we did it all! Next it was time to play outside and we enjoyed every minute of our tag, jumping rope, piggy-back races, and 4-square fun! In fact, we enjoyed it so much, we have modified out plans for Friday to give us one more day with our new friends! Our group decided this morning to make a list of supplies we thought the B&G Club needs. We are going to pool our "souvenir" funds, and hit the local store to surprise our friends tomorrow! Shhhh! Don't tell them! ;)
We when made it back to DG after our fun at the Boys & Girls Club, we were greeted with smells that are far too rich and amazing for words! Mr. & Mrs. Brown had arrived 3 hours earlier to start preparing our farm-fresh meal. Pumpkin soup was first, followed by cucumber salad, plantain salad, roasted pork & chicken, lamb stew, and fresh banana and mango smoothies. It was an experience that will surely be treasured as our senses were overloaded with goodness!
As for today, we are laying low at DG as we have a big night ahead kayaking! We are spending our time planting new vegetation around the grounds, making coconut jewelry and art, and enjoying the sun-filled day! (We received word that VBVA is in the 50s today! yikes!). The group has experienced so many eye-opening and heart-warming moments ... ones that will provide stories for years to come!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Mangrove Morning on Day 7
Our trip to Salt River Bay was one of our most educational excursions this week! Ty & Elliot led us through the Salt River shore and pointed out the three types of mangroves, discussed the ecological system that helps the mangroves to flourish, and recognized the positive impacts of the mangroves. As we rounded the bend, Ty shared with us the historical importance of this location and the role the reef in Columbus' arrival.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Diving In!
Students were treated to an incredible dive experience today with "Dive Experience" masters! After spending time learning the important basics, including equalizing and essential hand signals, we then boated to a blue hole where we were treated to two separate dives. Emma, and the others, jumped right in!
While one group was diving, the other group of students was treated to arts & crafts time at DG and also a tour of historic Christiansted led by Ty. The architecture was a treat - but the students seemed to love the souvenir shops even more! Love ones - we won't spoil the surprise! You will see what you get when we get home!
While one group was diving, the other group of students was treated to arts & crafts time at DG and also a tour of historic Christiansted led by Ty. The architecture was a treat - but the students seemed to love the souvenir shops even more! Love ones - we won't spoil the surprise! You will see what you get when we get home!
What Have We Learned So Far?
Although technical issues made it difficult to face time with students on St. Croix yesterday, Mrs. Sharp shared this video of them answering the question "WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED SO FAR?".
Monday, October 21, 2013
Agriculture in St Croix
Our next farm visit was to the hydroponic farm where we saw thousands of bib lettuce heads and tomato plants blooming thanks to the complex and nutrient-rich water supply. Many of the students were talking about how we could design and set-up our own such farm for Winterim and sell the produce at a "farmers market." The distinctive differences in the farming systems gave way for many questions - and much learning.
After lunch back at DG, we grabbed our masks and fins and headed snorkeling. It was a beautiful spot and students saw a variety of rocks & marine life.
Tomorrow is an early wake up as we have two groups who will be enjoying their first scuba experience. It is sure to be a memorable day for all!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
"Woe is me"
Upon arrival at the boardwalk this morning, we were greeted with "bad news." The wind was just too light for a sailing adventure. "Woe is us." We had to make do on a 42" glass bottomed boat captained by Mr. Jeff and crewed by Mr. Marcus.
Buck Island Bound
The Caribbean Connections team let us sleep in today with breakfast at the relaxing time of 8am! The extra hour sleep was much needed and appreciated after a remarkable Day 3. Yesterday was spent immersed in Caribbean Culture as we visited and interacted with locals at the market, heard from and explored the bush with Ms. Gordon, snorkeled with the locals at Cane Bay, and then came back to DG to enjoy an entertaining and educational drum session complete with local singers who shared the history of the art. During our circle-up time last night, many were hard-pressed to find one highlight from the day -- as the whole day was spectacular.
We expect another great one today as we are headed to Buck Island - via private sailing boat - to snorkel in one of most pristine and marine-life rich areas in the world! We look forward to sharing our highlights later. In the meantime, enjoy some of our highlights from yesterday here.
We expect another great one today as we are headed to Buck Island - via private sailing boat - to snorkel in one of most pristine and marine-life rich areas in the world! We look forward to sharing our highlights later. In the meantime, enjoy some of our highlights from yesterday here.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Day 3 - Morning Market Visit
It was an early morning for us today! We headed into town to experience the local farmers' market. Pairs of students were tasked with finding a fruit or food item they have never seen! At the market, students talked with the locals about what it is, how it's grown, and how to prepare and eat it. Then, upon our return to DG, each pair shared with the group what they learned! Our wonderful discussion was led by Ms. Veronica Gordon, a 7th generation Bush Doctor, who shared stories and details about the native fruits and vegetation - and their many medicinal benefits! Incredible questions, incredible stories, incredible moments at Discovery Grove!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Day 2 in St. Croix - Great Pond Bay & Green Cay
After a fun-filled first day, our travelers are preparing for what is sure to be an incredible experience today. With sunblock slathered, hats on, and water bottles filled - we are headed for Great Pond Bay for some rock climbing and team building then off to the Northeast Shore - Green Cay - for some splashing and exploring!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Snorkeling Gear Fitting at Discovery Grove
Students get ready for their snorkeling experiences by
getting fitted for their gear at the Discovery Grove pool.
St. Croix Arrived safely
Our students arrived in St. Croix safe and sound and are on their way to Discovery Grove.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Well our trip is just about over. As I write this , there's a storm passing over threatening our last surf session. Yesterday we had one of the most amazing sea experiences. While fishing we passed a mother humpback with a her newly born calf which allowed us some close views of both; close as in a matter of feet. And around the whale was a school of dolphins who surfed under our bow giving us great photo opportunities. Besides the dozens of turtle sightings, we were lucky enough that Haley Leach caught a 145lb sailfish and Alexis Caravas had a 200lb blue marlin on for five minutes; the jumping show was caught on film and absolutely a perfect ten. Today we zip lined our way through the jungle ending a hard week of service with a couple of well earned days of fun. It was a great trip with an exceptional group of hard working students. See you tomorrow night at the airport.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Service project is well on it's way!
I received the email below from Mr. Fluharty this evening:
Today the girls finished painting the fifth grade classroom and a new bathroom. The boys are 6 layers high on their bodega with four more to go. It's a huge project and they are doing a fantastic job. Tomorrow is the last day of service. Tomorrow we're going fishing for tuna and marlin. Saturday we will zip line with some night time turtle walks in between.
Today the girls finished painting the fifth grade classroom and a new bathroom. The boys are 6 layers high on their bodega with four more to go. It's a huge project and they are doing a fantastic job. Tomorrow is the last day of service. Tomorrow we're going fishing for tuna and marlin. Saturday we will zip line with some night time turtle walks in between.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Serrapoi Lopez School Day 2
I received the below update from Mr. Fluharty this evening. It looks like they are having a great trip!
Things are going very well. Day 2 at Serrapio Lopez school was very productive. The beautification team finished their garden ahead of schedule and it looks great. Pics are hard to send with the weak Internet. The bodega team has four layers of cinder blocks up and the rooms are taking shape. The painters finished project 1 and are now working on painting the fifth grade classroom. Today we watched the local students practice dancing and Zoe and Alexis joined them for a few dances. We finished the day with some surfing. Kids are doing a great job at the school and working hard.
Day with Friends of Nosara
Good Morning Everyone,
I just received the below update from Mr. Fluharty:
We spent most of the day working at the Serapio Lopez Primary School. One crew painted, one built pathways for a garden and the other mixed concrete and laid the foundation for the storage room we are building. We returned to the house at 3:00 and everyone grabbed their boards and ran to the beach for a late session. We are working with a group called Friends of Nosara and they had three people on sight helping. We finished our service day with a friendly game of soccer with the school kids.
I will let you know once I hear from them again!
I just received the below update from Mr. Fluharty:
We spent most of the day working at the Serapio Lopez Primary School. One crew painted, one built pathways for a garden and the other mixed concrete and laid the foundation for the storage room we are building. We returned to the house at 3:00 and everyone grabbed their boards and ran to the beach for a late session. We are working with a group called Friends of Nosara and they had three people on sight helping. We finished our service day with a friendly game of soccer with the school kids.
I will let you know once I hear from them again!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
First day in Nosara
Hi Everyone,
I received the below update from Mr. Fluharty this evening.
We had a great first day in Nosara. Everyone got up surfing, some for the first time. Needless to say, it was out of their comfort zone but after conquering their fears they made huge strides in self confidence. Tomorrow, before our service, several said they want to go out just a little further and try some bigger waves. After the lessons we all had a nice dip in the pool and a fabulous meal cooked by Jose. Then it was off to town to shop a little. Tomorrowm, I expect the howler monkeys will wake us up at dawn again. We might do a little surf session then we are off to the school to get to work. Kids are doing great and getting along so well. Great group all around. We have some stellar pics to share once we get them uploaded.
It looks like they had a great first day! I will keep sending updates as I receive them. Below is a picture Mr. Fluharty sent of surf lessons in Nosara. More to come!
I received the below update from Mr. Fluharty this evening.
We had a great first day in Nosara. Everyone got up surfing, some for the first time. Needless to say, it was out of their comfort zone but after conquering their fears they made huge strides in self confidence. Tomorrow, before our service, several said they want to go out just a little further and try some bigger waves. After the lessons we all had a nice dip in the pool and a fabulous meal cooked by Jose. Then it was off to town to shop a little. Tomorrowm, I expect the howler monkeys will wake us up at dawn again. We might do a little surf session then we are off to the school to get to work. Kids are doing great and getting along so well. Great group all around. We have some stellar pics to share once we get them uploaded.
It looks like they had a great first day! I will keep sending updates as I receive them. Below is a picture Mr. Fluharty sent of surf lessons in Nosara. More to come!
The group arrived safe
The group arrived safe in Costa Rica yesterday. I apologize for the late post, there was limited communication. I will keep you posted as I here from Mr. Fluharty and the rest of the group.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Costa Rica Surf and Serve
Please check this blog. Depending on internet service, we'll try to post something every day or every other day.
Just a reminder: See you at American Airlines check in desk at 4:30AM tomorrow!
Parents, if you need to get in touch with us, please contact Kelly Timms or Stephanie Fluharty at 715-0962.
Just a reminder: See you at American Airlines check in desk at 4:30AM tomorrow!
Parents, if you need to get in touch with us, please contact Kelly Timms or Stephanie Fluharty at 715-0962.
Monday, June 24, 2013
They are safe in Miami, the next flight AA3516 will arrive in Norfolk at 11:55PM. Please check the flight status on American Airlines website.
Tanzania Flight Cancelled
Tanzania Flight has been cancelled.
Students will be coming from LaGuardia on Delta Flight # 6277 leaving at 5:15 PM.
Please go to for Flight updates.
Students will be coming from LaGuardia on Delta Flight # 6277 leaving at 5:15 PM.
Please go to for Flight updates.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
STRI update
The last of the STRI group (with Mr. Willis taking the picture) poses with Derrick from Delta who helped us out a great deal.
We spent the morning touring the central historic area of Quito. We saw the five main churches and the differences in their architecture. After a nice lunch in the main plaza we headed to the the highlands to visit one of Quito's 17 active volcanoes. We ended the day with a trip to the equator line. Students practiced walking the line with eyes closed (can't be done), experimented with the Coriolis Effect, and tried to balance an egg on a nail (it works!). Tonight is our last dinner in South America! We are anxious to get home
STRI Update flight Delta 1004 departing at 7:36
Please bare with me. We have no control over which names Delta assigns to these stand by flights.
Students on this flight:
Smith, Colin
Wallace, Jessie
Scheduled to arrive at 9:25 and is presently on time.
Students on this flight:
Smith, Colin
Wallace, Jessie
Scheduled to arrive at 9:25 and is presently on time.
STRI crew chillin' in ATL
STRI Baggage
Delta says that most of the bags will be on this flight so please check with the Delta Baggage claim while you wait for the bags. Might save you some time.
STRI Flight #1012 departing at 4:47 Student passenger list
Delta is going alphabetically:
Here is the list of the students that made this flight arriving at 6:41 into Norfolk.
Jennings, Hollis.
Jennings, Meredith
Presently, the plane is on time. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
My cell is 715-1010 if you need to speak to me.
If the bags do not arrive for some reason, please check with the Delta Baggage Claim desk in the Baggage claim area.
Here is the list of the students that made this flight arriving at 6:41 into Norfolk.
Jennings, Hollis.
Jennings, Meredith
Presently, the plane is on time. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
My cell is 715-1010 if you need to speak to me.
If the bags do not arrive for some reason, please check with the Delta Baggage Claim desk in the Baggage claim area.
STRI details
Needless to say, we are a group of 30 and the options are not good.
We will have to split the group up tonight
DL 1012 has 4 seats departing at 4:47 to Norfolk 6:34 arriving
DL1004 has 11 seats departing at 7:36 to Norfolk 9:25 arriving
DL2095 departing 10:06 to Norfolk 11:48 arriving
Kim Johnson will email me and post on the blog exactly which kids are going where. We are sending some groups directly to Norfolk without a chaperone assuming parents will be there to pick up and we would rather have a student take a seat than an adult. If this is a problem, please call me asap. Our faculty are at the gates making sure the kids board safely and we assume a parent will be ready and waiting to pick up their child in Norfolk.
We will have to split the group up tonight
DL 1012 has 4 seats departing at 4:47 to Norfolk 6:34 arriving
DL1004 has 11 seats departing at 7:36 to Norfolk 9:25 arriving
DL2095 departing 10:06 to Norfolk 11:48 arriving
Kim Johnson will email me and post on the blog exactly which kids are going where. We are sending some groups directly to Norfolk without a chaperone assuming parents will be there to pick up and we would rather have a student take a seat than an adult. If this is a problem, please call me asap. Our faculty are at the gates making sure the kids board safely and we assume a parent will be ready and waiting to pick up their child in Norfolk.
Tanzania flights
The group will arrive from JFK on Delta flight 6155 at 4:31 Monday June 24. . The flight from Tanzania to Amsterdam is on time. Please keep checking this blog for updates.
From Dr. Duffy, yesterday evening.
Great and very rigorous! We went to the Central market this afternoon and shopped for an hour or so to find those unique gifts for family and friends.
We are meeting our guide at 7 and walking to dinner. Tomorrow we tour historic Quito and will stand on the equator!
Flights are all confirmed for tomorrow.
Great and very rigorous! We went to the Central market this afternoon and shopped for an hour or so to find those unique gifts for family and friends.
We are meeting our guide at 7 and walking to dinner. Tomorrow we tour historic Quito and will stand on the equator!
Flights are all confirmed for tomorrow.
American Airlines | 3516 | MIAMI INTERNTNL MON 24JUN 9:35 PM | NORFOLK VA BEACH MON 24JUN 11:55 PM |
Saturday, June 22, 2013
STRI Panama - June 22; UPDATE: Flying home
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Clockwise from top left: Meredith Jennings '15; Collin Smith '14; Ethan Crawley '14; Lucy Willis '15 and Greer Lowenstein '15 |
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More fun at dance class |
Our group has had a fantastic two weeks in Panama. Students have been able to see tropical research and conservation efforts up close. Many in our group have been inspired to consider future research and volunteer opportunities. We have also gained a better understanding of Panamanian history and culture and made great new friends. While it is tough to say goodbye to the wonderful people here, we are looking forward to getting home to our loved ones tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon!
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Señor Willis was pulled onstage to join in a traditional Panamanian dance. |
SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: We are all through security at the Panama City airport and should soon be boarding the flight to Atlanta! Our final flight, Delta 2206, is scheduled to get in to Norfolk at 4:30 PM today.
Today we said good-bye to our guide Wilson who has been with us since our first day in the Galapagos. Jose will help us get back to the mainlandtomorrow morning where we have two nights in the Capitol city of Quito. We visited another lava tunnel today and saw tortoises in the wild. Students got a chance to try on a tortoise shell too! Our afternoon shopping in Santa Cruz gave us a BIG surprise as we ran into the famous Mr. Anderson from Montana with his students. Mr. Anderson is famous for his bio videos on You Tube that many of the students use to study biology. Our students met his students and exchanged adventures. They were coming from the mainland and just starting their tour of the islands so CHC students gave them some previews of the critters they will encounter. We are all excited to get pizza tonight since we are a bit tired of fish and chicken.
Friday, June 21, 2013
STRI Panama - June 21
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Clockwise from top left: The nun in charge of the farm welcomes our group; Some of the flowers on the farm, Jack Scanlon '14 entertains the group at night with his poi skills; a horse on the farm. |
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Cape Henry students help out on the farm. Clockwise from top left: Raúl from Brader School and Tyler Chub '14; Greer Lowenstein '15; Meredith Jennings '15; John Napolitano '14 |
As part of our group's goal to serve the Malambo organization, we worked on Wednesday doing landscaping and gardening work on the farm. During the rest of the day and evening, students were able to relax and enjoy nature while reflecting on the many unforgettable experiences they have had so far on the trip.
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More yardwork on the farm. Clockwise from top left: Collin Smith '14; Hayley Greason '14; Kevin Cunningham '14; Jessie Wallace '14 |
The Cape Henry and Brader students seemed to bond instantly and had a great first day together. CHC students visited Brader classes and spent the afternoon and evening engaged in various activities with their host students and families.
Click photos to view full size!
Look for a final update tomorrow (Saturday) before we fly out Sunday morning and arrive home to Norfolk late Sunday afternoon. ¡Hasta pronto!
Look for a final update tomorrow (Saturday) before we fly out Sunday morning and arrive home to Norfolk late Sunday afternoon. ¡Hasta pronto!
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